Suggestions for HR Personnel's to Exercise
Muslims now form one of the largest religious groups
in the Worldwide. At a time when great misunderstandings and stereotypes
circulate the media and society regarding the religion, it is crucial for an
effort to be made at all levels to go beyond archetypal images and to begin to
understand Islam and Muslims.
As with individuals from any background, if they do
not feel comfortable and understood in their office or company, it is likely
that they will eventually seek employment elsewhere. In order to maximize
retention of young Muslims, it is ever more important therefore, that their
sensitivities are kept in mind.
The following
information contains basic tips and guidelines for HR staff and others to bear
in mind. Please note that these are very generic guidelines. Muslims differ
from generation to generation, culture to culture, some are more devout than
others and interpretations and practices of the faith are numerous. It may also
be the case that the individual is Muslim by name only and chooses not to
practice their religion.
one of the major discomforts for Muslims
in the workplace may involve the socializing culture of the office.
Typical business culture involves after work socializing in pubs or restaurants.
As Muslims do not drink any alcohol and places such as pubs, bars and discos
are not considered suitable venues for relaxation, then Muslim staff may
politely decline such offers.
A Muslim, both male and female, is expected to pray five times a day. This prayer involves facing Makkah (in Saudi Arabia), usually on a prayer mat or clean surface and reciting prayers which follow a procedure of bowing and prostrating. This typically takes between 5 - 15 minutes depending on the individual.
A Muslim, both male and female, is expected to pray five times a day. This prayer involves facing Makkah (in Saudi Arabia), usually on a prayer mat or clean surface and reciting prayers which follow a procedure of bowing and prostrating. This typically takes between 5 - 15 minutes depending on the individual.
Prayer times are calculated according to the movement of the sun
and take place at dawn, midday, late afternoon, dusk and at night.
For Muslims in your company it is a good idea to allocate a neutral space for them to use for their prayers. This can be a dedicated prayer room or simply access to a seldom used office or medical room. Such a space will make your Muslim staff feel at comfort knowing they have somewhere private and clean to say their prayers.
If staff are required to be committed to a desk space at certain times it may be a good idea to agree on allocated times in which they can read their prayers. This may involve the use of break times.
Muslim men attend the mosque on Friday afternoons for obligatory congregational prayers. Let your staff know you understand their requirements and agree on an extended lunch break and/or allocate their Friday lunch breaks to convenient times. Most mosques conduct prayers at 1.30 p.m. so try to aim for an hour between 1 - 2p.m.
Fasting takes places during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan does not correspond neatly to any Gregorian months due to its method of calculation. It changes from year to year by about ten days. The more devout Muslims may also fast on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the year.
Fasting involves abstinence from food, drink, chewing and smoking from dawn till dusk. At dusk, Muslims traditionally break their fast with dates and water before proceeding to eat a meal.
In the workplace it is best to be aware of staff who are fasting as this avoids potential offense if the staff member declines an invite to lunch or to some other function involving food.
Most Muslim men will be wearing a shirt and tie like their colleagues and very few would challenge a dress code. This is simply because dress is not an area where strict guidelines exist in Islam.
One area Muslim men may clash with company policy is in their wearing of beards. If you have strict guidelines regarding facial hair or follow certain health and hygiene procedures, then it is wise to ensure that potential male Muslim employees are made aware of these procedures. You should also be willing to either compromise on religious grounds or ensure that beard covers are made available.
Muslim women are required to cover their hair (hijab) and to dress modestly. Many do neither but it is best to be aware of the needs of those who do. If your company has a uniform or a certain dress code be sure it permits the wearing of hijabs. Many companies have now taken the step to provide hijabs which match the company uniform.
Generally Muslims in the UK take holidays as and when they need to. There are however a few dates of significance that should be noted.
Eid al-Fitr - this holiday celebrates the end of the month of Ramadan and fasting.
It is traditionally a time when extended families
congregate and presents given to children. Although this holiday extends over a
three day period, many Muslims typically take a single day holiday.
Eid al-Adha - celebrates the end of the Hajj
(pilgrimage) and commemorates the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son.
In Muslim countries sheep, goats and camels and usually sacrificed and the meat
distributed the family, neighborhood and the poor.
This should not be interpreted as bad manners of unfriendliness, but rather a difference in cultures that should be respected. Considering the international community, When planning team building trips or exercises or team outings always bear in mind a Muslim member of staff may feel uncomfortable if the venue is a pub, bar or even a restaurant serving alcohol.
It is always best to check with that staff member first. Try to think of
alternative venues where all staff will be comfortable.