Work Attitude Behavior VS Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

The under discussion issue is one of the major in itself and we are facing in our professional careers - Specially for Employers / Hiring Managers.
A few days ago, the opportunity was experienced to sit and discuss issues with a Regional Director of a well-known MNC about hiring criteria and employment issues which we are facing these days specially in Pakistan. He asked me a question that what if someone is very good in his academics qualification, skills, knowledge,
abilities and you hire that person and then when he is on board you invest in his training as well still he is not ready to show the result in other way you can say he is not willing to work?
You know why he is not willing to work because by the passage of time and the era in which we are entering which is alarming in a sense that all we are focusing on "Materialistic Things" I mean we focus "Papers" more as compared to "Personal Characteristics" of a person. You know what is mean by personal characteristics ? It's a combination of ones values his ethics, his discipline, his commitment to work, his behavior to work, his positive attitude, his sincerity.
Do we really think that we give priority on these things when we are going to hire someone at any level Senior - MID - Junior doesn't matter because these things are matter most but unfortunately we focus more on biggest names of universities and degrees only. Being an HR Professional or Employer I think we should focus for a long term employment of anyone which is going to be a part of your organization at the end of the day it's not degree or that university which works for you but that person (HUMAN) which perform.
Now it comes to the point that how you evaluate someone in 20 minutes because everyone is showing very nice and good on that time so think psychologically and ask questions more about his behavior, his personal characteristics rather his academics because it is already mentioned on a paper. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities only work if a person want to work so don't waste your investment, time & efforts by making wrong decisions which cost & effect your organization in a longer run.
Your workforce is your organization focus on their development, motivation and skills but keep in mind that you can develop skills, knowledge & abilities to perform but character is the only thing which you can never build or develop.

Leaders are born they are not created.

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